Summer Camp Location
Girlstart STEM Center
1400 W. Anderson Lane
Austin, TX 78757

Summer Camp Drop Off
Regular (entering 6th-8th) and Junior (entering 4th-5th) camps are one week long, Monday through Friday, from 8:30am to 4:30pm each day.

We recommend the following staggered morning drop off times to help facilitate traffic flow due to limited parking at Girlstart’s building:
Junior Campers – 8:00-8:15am
Regular Campers – 8:15-8:30am
However, drop off anytime between 8:00am and 8:30am that works for your family is fine. Additionally, we require a parent or authorized adult to sign in each camper every morning.

Additional parking is available at Redeemer Church across the street.

Summer Camp Pick Up
Pick up for both regular and junior campers is anytime between 4:30pm-5:00pm.
A parent–or authorized adult’s–Photo ID is required for camper pick up every day. The safety of our campers is vital to us and there are no exceptions to this policy.

Camper Lunch and Snacks
Girls should bring a sack lunch daily. Microwaves and refrigerators are not available for camper use. Girlstart provides a morning and afternoon snack. Your daughter is welcome to bring her own snacks if she has dietary restrictions.

Summer Camp Info Letter
Prior to the start of camp you will receive more information on the specific camp details, including what to bring and what not to bring and a copy of our behavior agreement.

Behavior Agreement
Behavior agreements will be due the first day of camp in order to complete your daughter’s registration. You will receive a copy of our behavior agreement to read and be signed by you and your daughter in your summer camp info letter. You are welcome to download and email or fax your signed behavior agreement at any time. If your daughter is attending multiple weeks of camp, the behavior agreement form only needs to be submitted once per summer by the first Monday of her first week of camp.

Attention to: Kara Torbert
Fax: 888-852-6481

Immunization Records
Girlstart’s immunization policy is in alignment with the Texas Department of State Health Services’s requirements for day camps. For a complete list of required vaccinations, please visit Girlstart does respect diverse perspectives about vaccination. However, we would appreciate receiving information concerning your family’s exception prior to the first day of camp. For further details, please consult Thank you for your understanding as we maintain a safe and healthy environment for all girls joining us for Summer Camp.

If your daughter attended Girlstart Summer Camp in the past, immunization records must be resubmitted. Please indicate the camp(s) your daughter is registered for on the records when emailing or faxing. If your daughter is attending multiple weeks of camp, immunization records only need to be submitted once per summer by the first Monday of her first week of camp.

Attention to: Kara Torbert
Fax: 888-852-6481

Additional Camp Forms
Additional camp forms, including Approved Alternative Adult Pick Up and Medication Release, can be found here. These forms can be emailed or faxed before camp or returned anytime during your daughter’s camp week as necessary.

Cancellation Policy
Camp fees include a $50 non-refundable fee. Refunds are given in the event of cancellations before May 26, 2017. Camps that do not fill are subject to cancellation and a full refund.

Please email Girlstart at or call us at (512) 916-4775 ext. 33 if you have any questions.

Camp Cost
The cost is $325 per camp. Registration closes for all camps on May 26, 2017. The cancellation policy applies to paying in full or using the payment plan. See cancellation policy above.

Girlstart offers two price breaks for early registration:
January 9th – January 30th: $275
January 31st – February 20th: $300
February 21st – May 26th: $325 (full price)

Payment Plan
If interested in setting up a payment plan, please contact Girlstart at or by phone at 512-916-4775 ext. 33. Payment plans are available on the FULL PRICE of camp ONLY ($325) regardless of when you register. Upon registering a $125 deposit is due to reserve your space. Two additional payments of $100 each can be paid from the day registered until May 26th. The full $325 is due on or before May 26th to secure your reserved space.

Payment plans must be requested via email or over the phone. Full payment is due at the time of registration when registering online. Thank you for your understanding.